Self Portrait

Artificial Intelligence self portrait
Digital print collection

Series of photographic portraits made by Artificial Intelligence from a descriptive text of our personal biography. Using the descriptor “a selfie of a couple of Spanish artists who have been working together for more than twenty years in the field of art and technology. In the background you can see one of his artistic installations of him with video projections, it is about a self portrait with data. Photorealistic style”, the AI Dall-e 2 returns images generated thanks to the interpretation of its latent space. This space has been trained with an immense amount of images extracted from Internet and their textual descriptors, visually representing our current society, with its stereotypes and its biases.


Serie de retratos fotográficos realizados mediante Inteligencia Artificial a partir de un texto descriptivo de nuestra biografía personal. Usando el descriptor “a selfie of a couple of spanish artists who have been working together for more than twenty years in the field of art and technology. In the background you can see one of his artistic installations with video projections, it is about a self portrait with data. Photorealistic style”, la IA Dall-e 2 nos devuelve imágenes generadas gracias a la interpretación de su espacio latente. Este espacio ha sido entrenado con una inmensa cantidad de imágenes extraídas de la red y sus descriptores textuales, representando visualmente nuestra sociedad actual, con sus estereotipos y sus sesgos.


Self Portrail series

.Solo Exhibit

  • Autoretrat o doble digital, Exposición individual, La Nau, Sala Estudio General Del 1 junio al 3 septiembre de 2023, 2023.
  • .Bibliography

  • AUTO-RETRATO O DOBLE DIGITAL, Clara Boj y Diego Diaz, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2023, ISBN: 978-84-9133-612-9, Text by Pau Waelder, Pau Alsina, Jorge Luis Marzo, Clara Boj y Diego Díaz.