La conversación es un espacio vecinal abierto para explorar juntas la idea de barrio y sus formas en el contexto de la sociedad contemporánea, en el aquí y ahora de la vida en el barrio de El Carmen de Valencia. Para participar de La Conversación, únete al grupo de Telegram del mismo nombre y comparte tus ideas e impresiones sobre el barrio.

Mar Menor (“Minor sea”) is a salty lagoon in the south of Spain. The Institute for the Studies of Biological Enigmas is researching the so called Mar Menor Monster: an artificial life organism that lives in a virtual environment and evolves autonomously in relation with collected data from the lagoon and its surroundings.

Locative sound experiment that is built in real time with the information found on the internet in relation with the streets through which we are walking.

This experimental audio walk runs along the path of the footpath GR-174, a 72km long way that cross the valley, through mountains, vineyards and most of the villages. The project is built as a documentary story, using the GR footpath as a metaphor of the trajectory and evolution of the art center: goals, evolution, difficulties, relations with the local community etc..

Locative audio fiction for mobile phones that takes place at the traditional neighborhood of Cabanyal in Valencia, which is longtime endangered by speculative urban plans.

A teenager’s room: the desk, the computer with webcam, posters and photos of her music and movie idols. Upon approaching the installation, the visitor’s face is recorded by the webcam. Custom software identifies the area of the face and sends this image to the projector, so that the visitor’s face is superimposed over those of the famous people in the posters.

Exploration of the Wi-Fi space. By means of a telescope-like observation device, we scan the city and look for Wi-Fi networks. When the system finds an open Wi-Fi network uses it for send the information to the exhibition space where a new map of the city is displayed. Prolonged observation through Observatorio generates a complex record of the new urban context, a cartography of the Wi-Fi space.

Multi-user interactive installation that works as a digital magic mirror that interchanges the faces of the people when looking at themselves. It invites people to reflect about their own identity via a playfull experience, playing with their body and their gestures in a very intuitive manner.

Interactive sound and video installation that research into the history of an ancient (XVIII century) wine and oil cellar through the voices and memories of the inhabitants of the region (Mula-Spain). Cuentos Líquidos (Liquid Tales) tries to pose questions about communication in a time where traditional mechanisms of experience transmission are being blocked by new information media.

Instalación interactiva realizada entre España y Singapur donde los usuarios pueden sentir la presencia de personas en el espacio físico (un espacio público en Valencia, España) y en un espacio virtual de relación social (un chat en Internet).